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АО «НК «Актауский
морской торговый порт»


Large-scale exercises were held in the Aktau Port

In order to further improve actions for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, an emergency training on oil spill response and fire extinguishing on the tanker “Almaty” was conducted at the Aktau seaport.

According to the introductory data, when loading oil into the tanker “Almaty” at the oil loading berth No. 4, a stand connected to the manifold of the starboard side of the vessel broke down. This led to an oil spill on board and its further spread through the water along the side of the tanker.

The specified oil spill caused pollution of the sea in the area of the pier and the entire water area of the port.

In the event of a worst-case scenario, it was assumed that the oil slick would spread beyond the water area of the port, which would lead to pollution of the coastal zone with environmental damage.

During the work to eliminate the oil leak, a fire occurred on the tanker, due to a short circuit of the cable. As a result, one of the crew members, avoiding burns, fell overboard.

The forces of the port fleet and staff doctors conducted a rescue operation to rescue a sailor and provide first aid to the victim.

Summing up the results of the large-scale exercises, the Chairman of the Board of NC ASCP JSC noted the high degree of readiness and interaction of the involved services and expressed gratitude to all participants for the successful completion of all the tasks of the event within the regulatory time frame.

In total, 106 personnel of NC ASCP JSC , NMSK Kazmortransflot LLP, KMG Systems & Services LLP, Paramilitary Railway Guard LLP, Emergency Situations Department of Mangystau region and Signal LLP took part in the exercises, involving 20 units of special equipment.